Rowena t.

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Frome, England, United Kingdom

Über Rowena t.

38 Jahre alt | Online educator

Hello there… We are a family of four, John, myself (Rowena), Cali (4) & Taeo (1), and we are all passionate about travel and exploring new places.

John and I started our own multimedia design company in 2015 which gave us the freedom to work from anywhere. Over the years have been fortunate enough to take on many wonderful sits (mainly through Trusted House Sitters - happy to forward our reviews). Working predominantly from our computers means we are able to be very present house guests and carers for the furry friends we make along the way.

Since having children and with the last few pandemic years we’ve been more settled but are extremely keen to introduce our children to the world of caring for peoples homes and furry families. Cali was nearly 1 the last time and while the chickens and her became fast friends, I’m sure she doesn’t remember much of it. One of the reasons we haven’t chosen to have our own pets yet is because we’re hoping to travel a lot more in the coming year or so.

In a previous life, John worked as a professional handyman at a hotel for several years. He is very multiskilled and hands on, and a useful person to have around should any maintenance issues arise. I spent four years running a restaurant in Thailand which was a great lesson in handling unusual and unexpected situations. We both enjoy new challenges and are down to earth and practical people.

We love the whole concept of house sitting and appreciate the amount of honesty and trust that is needed for it to work. We understand the difficulty and uncertainty of letting someone stay in your home and giving over your precious pets to their care.

Obviously sitting with children is a different ball game, but our two are generally very respectful of other peoples spaces. Cali is quite cautious with animals which we feel is a good thing as she takes her time to get to know them, ensuring there is understanding of how they like to be treated. Taeo is a natural animal lover and always keen to say hello. Because of his age however we would ideally be looking to care for animals who are pretty laid back around children. Or very independent and outdoorsy.

John and I both grew up surrounded by cats and other furry little creatures, and since house sitting have enjoyed caring for the likes of cats, dogs, chickens (& teeny little chicks), parrots, cows, rabbits, a tortoise, a chameleon, and of course some beautiful pot plants and gardens. John is one of those

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 43 Jahre alt, Cameraman and Editor, Ehepartner / Partner
Cali , 6 Jahre alt, Kind
Taeo, 2 Jahre alt, Kind

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