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Runcorn, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Danielle

38 Jahre alt | Aromatherapist | Als Familie

My name is Danielle I’m a 37 year old, mother of 1 (my beautiful daughter is 3 years old) and I’m looking to start travelling the world, and living the most amazing life in the sunshine! I had my own business in holistic therapy: massage, aromatherapy, hot stones and reflexology. I am currently working from home doing Belief Coding® which is a form of emotional/spiritual healing. And it can also be done on animals, I have previous experience of doing a session on a dog and a cat with amazing results!! We both love animals, my daughter is so gentle, caring and nurturing with them. We would love to be surrounded by nature and preferably near a beach. We are both loving, gentle and kind. If I’m completely honest I have always preferred animals to humans! We have always been surrounded with pets including cats and dogs. My mums cat currently sleeps with us at night in our bed. I have previously done pet sits for friends and family.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Daisy, 4 Jahre alt, None, Kind

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