Miranda p.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Miranda p.

44 Jahre alt | Novelist

I'm Miranda - a single girl in her early forties who grew up in England and studied English Literature at Oxford, before embarking on a transatlantic career in advertising (in London, then New York). I I am now a full time novelist living back in London and editing my debut novel for publication with Jonathan Cape.

I've been on the housesitting scene for a long time, taking care of people's homes in both Europe and the US (via trustedhousesitters.com). I don't think there's a better way to embrace new cultures than to travel this way and I've become firm friends with many of the homeowners I've worked with.

As a writer, it's a huge source of inspiration to become embedded in new environments communities, which is why I try to travel as much as possible, from my London base.

My overall approach to house-sitting is to make sure I've understood what is most important to the home owner - what the pets like, whether owners like regular updates or to prefer to be left in peace etc - and then to treat the home as if it were my own. I'm very house proud and have made homes in both London and New York, welcoming house-sitters of my own in both cities, so I know what it means to respect someone else's space.

The fact I'm primarily writing during the day means I’m a calm, quiet presence in your home and it's very easy for me to fit around the rituals and needs of your pets. I grew up in an English B&B surrounded by animals with all kinds of personalities.

I should add my own home is full of houseplants, so you can also count on my to keep yours alive, if you have them!

If you think we might be a good match, do please get in touch.

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Aubagne, France - Juli 2016

Pour notre première expérience Nomador, nous somme très heureux d'avoir accueillit Miranda. Elle a pris grand soins de nos chats, la maison était dans un état impeccable à notre retour. Nous avons cordialement échangé avec notre house keeper pendant nos vacances, entre conseil pour la maison et conseil de tourisme. Je recommande vivement Miranda, une nomador d'exception.


Pleiku, Viet Nam - Juli 2016

Miranda is a very nice guest. She stayed at our home for 1 week and left the apartment clean. Our two cats were happy to meet Miranda and were relaxed during her stay. I highly recommend Miranda as a guest. She was extremely friendly patient and sweet with my very dear cats. As for my first experience with Nomador , I am just so happy and I will definitely try it again. Thank you very much Miranda !

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