Nathalie m.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Über Nathalie m.

57 Jahre alt | Web professional

Experienced house-sitter. I'm a midlife non-smoking Canadian woman who enjoys taking care of homes and pets. You could say, I'm well-travelled having set foot in 48 countries. I'm fluent in English and French with intermediate Spanish. I have a beautiful 3-acre lakefront property just North of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, which is presently rented and was part owner of a house and condo for more than 15 years in the city as well. So I know my way around different types of properties.

The work I do is web-based, which means we are quite happy to work from your home as long as you have a good internet connection. Working from a home-base means I can spend most of my time with your pet(s). Staying for extended periods in one place gives me the opportunity to discover local culture, sample new foods and meet new people you most likely consider neighbours. But most importantly, I'm there to protect and watch over your possessions and pets while you're away. That's what we aim to provide.

My past life has seen more of its share of construction and renovation throughout the years, including building our country home from the ground up. I'm very hands-on and can address minor issue around the house if something were to happen while you’re away. I love gardening, taking care of animals and even has some prior horse and stable experience. I love all animals and was myself an owner of a big Airedale for 11 years.

Walking your pets on a daily basis is far from being a chore as I find it a great way to familiarize myself with my new surroundings! Also, as a Canadian, we easily comply with all foreign travel visa requirements and have NEXUS (trusted traveler) full background checks from both the Canadian and US gov. I have a clean driving record if ever I need to drive your pet(s) to the vet and may we add that we are financially independent following 25-year careers in high-level corporate life. Find out more about me at

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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