Rakellah l.

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Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Über Rakellah l.

33 Jahre alt | Marketing Manager | Allein

I am a 31-year-old adventurer! I love exploring new areas and meeting new people. I am a home owner in Utah, and have a 3-year-old golden retriever.

I rent out my house when I travel, and I know how important it is to find responsible tenants who will be staying in your house. I will care for your place like it like it’s my own.

I am an avid plant person, I have about 20 live plants in my home, and in the summer I grow a small vegetable garden. I grew up with horses and have a horse of my own, so I am very comfortable caring for all animals.

I am clean, respectful and quiet. A perfect day at home involves a cup of coffee, yoga, a good book and time outside.

I work remote for a solar company and as long as there is Wi-Fi, I can work from anywhere!

I would love to hear from you as my obligations in Utah are minimal, therefore I’m flexible to your needs.

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