Mairi-Claire H.

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Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Mairi-Claire H.

57 Jahre alt | Translator

We are a British-Italian family (though my husband would only be able to join us for c.2 weeks in August) living in Italy. We have 3 children - 13, 11 and 9 who are fully bilingual Italian/English. I am a freelance translator working from home and my husband is an aeronautical engineer who owns his own boat construction company. This will be our fifth year housesitting; the first two were in the UK where we looked after some fantastic dogs, cats, chickens and other poultry, much to my children's delight as living in the city doesn't give them much opportunity to enjoy being around animals. Two years ago we had two very successful sits in Paris and Amsterdam while last year we returned to the same house in Paris as well as a few weeks housesitting again in the UK. This year, we would love to repeat the experience.

I have five excellent references which I have posted below from another house sitting site (I can forward you the link with star rating which unfortunately doesn't copy/paste below) as well as being in possession of a UK Police Report. We are all cat and dog lovers in the family so we would be delighted to look after your pets and ensure they are in safe hands while you are away.

I take considerable care in looking after my own home and, as I own and rent out a property of my own in France, fully appreciate the need to respect and look after other people's property/possessions.
My children are well behaved, orderly and respectful of others and their belongings. Being a family means we would be out for part of the day but by early evening your house would be occupied for the rest of the night.
I am particularly conscious of security and safety needs both from a property point of view as well as for my children's safety and would take the utmost care in ensuring your property was well looked after.
Below are my references from another well-known house sitting website which I have used to date:

• Tracy Pickle
Mairi-Claire and her family came and house sat for us in July 2014. Upon our return we found two very happy cats and a perfect house. Her children are wonderful and so well behaved and I highly (and warmly) recommend the whole family to all who are looking for a house sitter.
o Organised
o Reliable
o Self-sufficient
o Tidy
o Pet care

• Homeowner Reference
Heather Bolen
Mairi-Claire and her family took wonderful care of our house and our dog. She has a great level of communication and she l

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alfredo, school pupil, Kind
Sophie, school pupil, Kind
Stefan, school pupil, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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