Mario M.

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Montreal, Montreal, Canada

Über Mario M.

58 Jahre alt | Storytellling coach

Meet Mario, a multi-talented home carer with a heart of gold. He's not only a nomadic actor, film director and storytelling coach, but he's also an animal lover with a green thumb and a handyman extraordinaire. Mario has a passion for life and an insatiable appetite for adventure, and he loves nothing more than taking care of animals and helping people. He's always ready to lend a hand and has a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to home care. Whether you need help with your garden, a repair around the house, or simply someone to keep your furry friends company, Mario is the perfect choice. With his resourcefulness, creativity and warm, approachable manner, Mario will quickly become a valued member of your home and a trusted friend to all who meet him. ( description from a friend.... this is a bit embarrassing but that what he wrote ;-)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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