Caitlin M.

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Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Über Caitlin M.

61 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

Hi! I am Caitlin and I am a 60 year old retired person who travels a lot and I can take care of everything while you're gone.

Here's what I can do for you while you are away,

Pet/animal sit - I grew up on a farm and have experience with all kinds of animals including horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, rodents, reptiles, and fish. I don't currently have a pet as I travel frequently.

House sit - I am a 40 year homeowner and a general contractor. I have 14 renovations under my belt. I can handle situations with your property that come up while you are gone.

Boat sit - I have 40 years of boating experience.

Garden/plants - I won't over or underwater, I promise! I always check the soil before I water. I am the cofounder of a community garden so I can take care of your garden, too.

Wellness Check - I can check up on your nearby mum/dad while you're gone. I'm a COTA who has worked in a rehabilitation facility so I have experience with the elderly.

I am a good communicator and have a can-do attitude.

Thanks for taking a look at my profile.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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