Silke F.

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Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal


Über Silke F.

48 Jahre alt | Marketing | Als Paar/Duo

As digital nomads, we are constantly on the road, working from anywhere. Up until a couple of years ago, our kitten companion always traveled with us but at 20 years, she passed away and we miss her dearly. While she was with us, we often had house sitters look after her if we had to go fly somewhere for work. Now, we can give back and would be happy to look after your pets if you have to travel somewhere without them. We adore cats and smaller doggies. Since we work from home, any pets get loads of cuddles and play time. We know how to deal with elderly cats, are used to incontinence, hairballs, litter box cleaning, pureeing food, sneaking crushed up pills into food etc. If you have farm animals like sheep, don't hesitate to reach out either.

We are available for housesits on the southern coast of Spain in March and April. France early May. Osttirol June. Rennes August.

- We also have a profile on trustedhousesitters that shows our reviews.
- Nomador does not accept my proof of address since the bills are in Eric's and not my name.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eric, 47 Jahre alt, Developer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Brigitte F.

Cazals, France - Mai 2023

Silke et Éric sont d'adorables homesitters Qui se sont bien occupés de mes minous . J'ai retrouvé ma maison très bien Entretenue . Nous avons eu des Conversations très intéressantes et leur départ A été émouvant, aussi pour Silke dont l'un De mes chats lui rappelait Peka une chatte Qui a longtemps partagé leur vie. Une belle Rencontre qui restera inoubliable. Ce sont " Mes Américains", je leur souhaite plein De bonheur, de découvertes au cours de Leurs voyages à travers l'Europe, et bien Sûr d'autres homesittings. Ils sont tellement Gentils et attachants. Merci Silke et Éric Brigitte

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