Megan J.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Megan J.

20 Jahre alt | Apprentice at Vertex pharmaceuticals | Als Paar/Duo

Hi Im Megan,

I am currently doing an apprenticeship at Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
I love to travel and discover new cultures. I’ve been brought up to appreciate what different countries have to offer and the various ways people live around the world.
I enjoy trying new foods - and trying to replicate them at home.
I also like to learn new languages and put them to use whilst travelling.

I have been an Aupair in the past and found the experience so rewarding - I have met amazing people whom I will continue to be friends with.

I love animals, I never had the opportunity to have some at home - my dad was allergic, however I have always enjoyed caring for and playing with pets whenever I had the chance, especially when Au pairing the family had beautiful cats!

My boyfriend is also an animal lover who likes to travel.
He is currently doing his placement year at Vertex Pharmaceuticals and will complete his chemistry masters at Imperial College London.

We both enjoy discovering new places and we will keep everything clean and tidy/ respect your rules.

I can’t wait to to meet more lovely people and hopefully make a new friend :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ewan, 24 Jahre alt, Masters student doing placement year at Vertex, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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