Sabine M.

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Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Über Sabine M.

52 Jahre alt | Marketing | Allein

I am a 50 years Online Marketing Manager doing a sabbatical year until October 23 and would love to spent my time abroad sitting your house and pets. I am a calm person who enjoys nature, walks, good books. I am experienced to sit cats and dogs for my friends, but I am new at this platform. I just discovered it by coincidence. In my childhood I had fishes, birds and a guinea pig. Now I have plenty of time and flexibility for house/pet sits with a minimum duration of preferably ~14 days up to 8 weeks. It would be great to have a wifi connection in order to work a bit online. Sometimes also shorter periods of time would be possible, depending on how easy it is to arrange transportation to your place.

On top of my wishlist are (seaside) locations, but I am open to other suggestion as long as I can reach them by public transport. I speak German, English, Spanish and some French. My French needs some refreshment, thats why I would love to spent some time in France. I have lived in the UK (London), Spain (various places), France (Cap d'Ail) and Thailand before. So I know to get along in new places.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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