Galilea J.

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Seville, Andalusia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Galilea J.

21 Jahre alt | student | Allein

Hello, I am a student currently studying in Seville, Spain. I get along great with all animals and have had pets my whole life, but I especially adore cats!! I have accompanied friends house-sitting but never on my own, so I'd love the chance to. I keep clean and tidy, so that won't be a problem. As I said, I am a student, and would love to do a little bit of traveling, while at the same time helping out you guys and enjoying the company of some friendly pets. :) As I live with a host family in Spain, I am not able to verify my proof of address. Sorry about that, but please feel free to ask me questions, and I hope to meet you soon!
Cheers, Galilea

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Sabine G.

Nogent-sur-Seine, France - Mai 2023

Galiléa est une personne très attentionnée, très consciencieuse quant aux soins qu'elle apporte aux animaux. Elle a également le sens de l'échange et du partage des idées et des cultures.

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