Claudia S.

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Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Claudia S.

61 Jahre alt | Self Employed CAM practitioner | Allein

I am a newly turned 60 year old adventurer, mother of two girls and nature lover. I was born in Vienna, the oldest of four children, and moved to Freiburg when I was 20. Since then, I have been able to travel to many parts of the world, and lived in Munich, Minnesota, Switzerland, France and East Frisia before returning to Freiburg a few years ago. I am a trained alternative practitioner and have a huge passion for swimming, animals of all kind, dancing and simply being in nature. I was accompanied by two wonderful dogs (german shepherd/bouvier mix and a labradoodle) and have been house sitting for several years now in Greece, the US, Austria and Germany and always had a wonderful time looking after the special places and also the lovely pets involved. I am embracing every second of my life and would love to explore new places and take care of your furry loved ones.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Deutsch

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