Olena V.

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Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine

Über Olena V.

43 Jahre alt | Software Developer | Als Familie

We are a Ukrainian family who left Ukraine because of war and currently living in Portugal. We are Olena, Yuriy, and 2 kids - Tymofiy 10 y.o. and Nastia 15 y.o.
Me and my husband have been working for many years as software developers for established international companies. Last years we are working remotely.
My Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lena-volanska-97a69a150/
We like traveling and discovering something new. Here is Yuriy's Airbnb profile: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/66095141
Each of us has different hobbies: I like painting and knitting, my husband likes bicycling and cooking and growing tomatoes, daughter likes writing and studying languages, son likes farm animals especially pigs and card tricks.
We heard about this site from a friend and decided to give it a try.
Will be glad to make a company for you pets while you are away and we believe we can handle that because we have our own cat (although we forced to leave him at home with our parents, so he is not with us and we miss him so much). We also can look after your indoor and outdoor plants.
Of course we will leave your house clean.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Yuriy, 45 Jahre alt, Software Developer, Ehepartner / Partner
Nastia, 16 Jahre alt, pupil, Kind
Tymotiy, 12 Jahre alt, pupil, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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