Maitri M.

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Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Über Maitri M.

56 Jahre alt | Digital Nomad | Allein

FULLY VACCINATED: Covid & all internationally required vaccines for quick travel arrangements.

Hello, my name is Maitri pronounced "my tree". I'm a non-smoking, 54-year-old woman working as a Nomadic Business Professional who speaks several languages and has lived around the world since age 15. I have been formally house & pet-sitting since 2019 and informally for many years prior.

I would be honored to care for your home, pets, and plants. I am a financially stable digital nomad based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. I am currently researching countries where I might want to live in 10 years. I am very flexible with my schedule and have the funds available to fly abroad even on short notice. I do not smoke, rarely have an alcoholic drink, and am physically fit.

I am crazy organized/clean, hyper-responsible, and refreshingly honest or so I've been told. Nature is my primary interest area with a close second being traveling and learning foreign languages. I love dogs and most other pets.

As a child, I always had 1 dog and 1 cat. As a parent, we had fish and gerbils and dogsat as often as possible in our home.

I am currently researching and visiting countries to move to in a few years. I am flexible to work anywhere on the planet there is an internet connection. I enjoy exploring new cultures and love a lot of solitude time...housesitting seems like the perfect opportunity to achieve several goals at once.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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