Allyson D.

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Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland

Über Allyson D.

54 Jahre alt | Writer | Als Familie

We're a couple in our early fifties with two teenagers, a boy of 17 and a girl of 12, plus three cats. I'm a writer and he's a software engineer. We travel widely, both together and with our children, and have house-sitted for other families with both dogs and cats. Our cats are called Midnight, Miu Miu and Chip - they rule the roost in our house! I'm an indoor plant lover and love taking care of peoples' plants, along with their pets. I'm a big reader and art lover, as well as a year-round sea swimmer and yoga teacher. My husband is a DIY enthusiast, a great cook and the cat whisperer of the house! We are all passionate about different cultures and environments around the world, and are looking forward to some amazing adventures in house-sitting.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eliza, 13 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Isaac, 19 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Colm, 1953 Jahre alt, IT engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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