Kendal S.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Über Kendal S.

30 Jahre alt | Property Manager | Allein

I'm Kendal, a trustworthy, responsible, and dedicated professional you can depend on to care for the things you care about the most. I value respect, open communication, and privacy as an experienced house/pet sitter. I focus on developing healthy relationships with all my clients and strive to put your mind at ease while you enjoy your time away.

-8 years executive assistant
-5 years property manager
-20 years pet owner and lover

Available Services:
-Maintain your home’s security: alarm systems, locks, and lighting
-Provide companionship for your pet family: feedings, playtime, walks, medicine, transport to/from vet appointments
-Collect mail/packages, process/drop off returns
-Pick-up dry-cleaning, place orders for food/groceries/supplies
-Engage in light housekeeping: vacuuming, laundry, dishes, sanitizing
-Assist with special projects: packing/unpacking, organizing pantry/closet/garage/fridge
-Provide detailed updates on your home and fur babies as often as you'd like

I love working with animals, experiencing new environments, and confidently helping people who need it. As you are possibly opening up your home to me, I welcome the chance to schedule a meet-up, video chat, or phone call to get to know you better. Please message me with any questions, inquiries, or opportunities and I will be more than happy to connect!

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