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A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Leonardo @ADNVIAJERO

50 Jahre alt | Web Designer - WP Developer | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, I'm Leonardo and I would love to take care of your home while you're away on a trip. I'm a frequent traveler and have had the opportunity to meet incredible people and cultures all around the world. Additionally, I have a special love for animals and have been taking care of them for many years. I consider myself a responsible and trustworthy person, and I'm confident that I can provide you with peace of mind while you're away. Don't hesitate to contact me to learn more about me and how I can assist you with your home and pets!
You can know more about me at my Instagram @adnviajero

I travel with Isabel ❤️ (Nomador user too).

Hola, soy Leonardo y me encantaría cuidar tu hogar mientras estás fuera de viaje. Soy un viajero frecuente y he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a personas y culturas increíbles en todo el mundo. Además, tengo un amor especial por los animales y he cuidado de ellos durante muchos años. Me considero una persona responsable y confiable, y estoy seguro de que puedo brindarte tranquilidad mientras estás fuera. ¡No dudes en contactarme para saber más sobre mí y cómo puedo ayudarte con tu casa y mascotas!
Puedes saber más de mi en mi Instagram @adnviajero

Viajo con Isabel ❤️ (También es usuaria de Nomador)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Isabel Sánchez Trelles, 31 Jahre alt, Business Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hervé D.

Arras, France - August 2024

Au premier appel téléphonique en vidéo, je me suis senti en parfaite harmonie et confiance avec Léonardo et Isabelle. Les premiers contacts physiques chez moi ont confirmé que j'étais tombé sur des personnes parfaites, sympathiques, chaleureuses. J'ai laissé mon chien Nicky en excellente compagnie et je savais qu'il allait être bien soigné, ce qui fut le cas. Je souhaiterais qu'il puisse revenir une prochaine fois, tant nos relations furent exceptionnelles. Je recommande vivement Léonardo et Isabelle

Valentina S.

Paris, France - August 2024

Isabel and Leonardo are wonderful people who looked after my house and took care of my cat Baruk for a month. When I returned, the house was spotless and my cat seemed happy, he was even in better shape than when I left him! On top of that, Leonardo grew lots of plants on my window with his super green thumb! We stayed in touch very regularly and I felt completely reassured from the first days. Thanks to Nomador for introducing me to people like isa and Leo, I hope we stay in touch and see each other again very soon!


Turnhout, Belgium - September 2023

Isabel and Leonardo have housesit 5 weeks our cat, dog, turtle, fishes and plants and we have had an amazing experiene. It simply exceeded all of our expectations. When they came to our house my husband and I were in the midsts of our wedding preparations. They were understanding and offered help in any way. During our honeymoon they stayed in contact and took own initiative in things like cleaning the turtle house, in training our dog and buying cat food. At arrival they were honest and were even kind enough to replace everything that might have been damaged (i.e. plants due to the hot weather). We were also welcomed by very happy animals and an even better trained dog :-). I would describe them as a lovely couple and super flexibel, attentive, helpfull and understanding. Are you new in this platform or looking for a safe and amazing experience? Consider these nice people!

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