Sarah H.

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Howard, Ohio, United States

Über Sarah H.

26 Jahre alt | Business Owner | Als Familie

We’re a family, trying to spend time and let our children have the best summer ever!
My name is Sarah, I own a cleaning business and I clean commercial properties, residential homes, and airbnbs locally here in Ohio where we live. My partner, Christopher, has landscaping experience, and currently is a stay at home dad.
We live in the country, and are familiar with country living - with critters and the such around - and try to be friendly to the environment wherever we are! We’re familiar with composting, recycling, general gardening and landscaping in ways that recognize local flora and fauna. My children have spent time both in public schooling and being unschooled, and are looking forward to spending the summer learning about new places and environments! We enjoy exploring, hiking, swimming, going to parks and museums, and learning new things together.
We are hoping to find a stay for the duration of the summer, though we are flexible, and our entire family has extensive experience with animals, both in terms of care and respect. This includes reptiles and larger animals! I personally have cared for snakes, large dogs (Dalmatians, mastiffs, Shepards), and birds.
We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elizabeth, 9 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Christopher, 28 Jahre alt, Landscaper, Ehepartner / Partner
Praxis, 2 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Everett, 6 Jahre alt, Child, Kind

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