Anastasia Z.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Anastasia Z.

27 Jahre alt | scientist (chemistry, radiopharmacology) | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! We are Anastasia and Lidzia, a couple from Prague. We are both 25 y.o., cute, caring, and open-minded.

We have been together for ten years. We have traveled a lot but also combined it with diligent studies. We both have a degree in science. We have experience with volunteering at different places in different roles. Whether it was a charming little farm in the middle of the Cretan olive groves, a big human rights event in one of the European capitals, or just a cozy couch-surfing experience - it has always been something we’ve put our hearts into and created meaningful connections.

We love animals. One day we will have a cottage with a cat, a pair of greyhounds, and two horses. Now we can't afford to have pets. This period of life also has its own perks: we enjoy working, traveling, learning, and patiently creating the future, but it's also a joy for us to temporarily take care of other people's animals. Our friends always leave us their furbabies when they need to travel. We foster dogs and cats in need, we support the local stray dogs rescue community when we can.
I (Anastasia) have worked at the stables as a sportsman, a rider, a broom, and a horse caregiver (you know, it goes all in a bunch when you're an equestrian).
Lidziya's family used to have a cherished Siamese cat; she is a cat lover and she knows all the answers to the riddles of the wayward feline soul.

We love getting to know people and their environments. I find it poetic and insightful; for Lidziya it's a way to express love to the surrounding world.
We believe in the power of a caring, careful attitude. Slow living, upcycling, and supporting local products and communities - all those movements resonate with us.

Lidziya is a digital nomad, she has been working remotely for already 4 years. Web design, photography, technical and artistic retouching - that’s what she is passionate about; she spends hours and hours on her projects, and sometimes it’s hard to pull her out of the house.
I’m (Anastasia) a young scientist at the Czech Academy of Science, recently I got a grant for medical nuclear applications research, and I'm planning to spend my summer working remotely on the literature study, article writing, and lab data treatment.

To get to know us more before choosing us as your temporary home caregivers, we've prepared a gallery of pictures of us. You are welcome to take a look!

We are newcomers to a house-sitting community; we’ve just discovered it, and it was a very inspiring thing for us! We hope to find a lovely housesit and make friends with some wonderful four-legged floof and their pet parents.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lidziya, 26 Jahre alt, digital nomad (web design, photography), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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