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Rebecca423 L.

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Titusville, Florida, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Rebecca423 L.

70 Jahre alt | RN Health Care Administrator | Als Paar/Duo

My Name is Rebecca Saunders-Leger and my husband is Charles “Ed” Pierce. We both are an American couple, non-smoking and have University degrees. I have recently semi-retired from a very rewarding career in health Care as a Registered Nurse with a critical care background, but for the last 20 years in Health Care Administration as an Executive Director of Home Health Agencies. My husband is a semi-retired Insurance Broker. It’s our second marriage and we have three grown adult children from our first marriage. Life is good!
We have a love of travel, adventure and animals! We’ve both had many wonderful dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, chickens and although we never owned horses, we both loved riding. Most recently our 16-year-old Maine Coon kitty, “Mr. Biggles” passed away. We were heartbroken. We want to travel now that we have time and wish to love other people’s pets as we have always loved and doted over our pets. We would always treat any pet with loving care, attention and make sure that their routines were adhered too.
As far as the home that you need to have someone care for, we would also treat your home as we would want ours cared for. We are well versed in homeownership and have always taken meticulous care of our homes and yards. We are very tidy, clean and organized. We are very reliable, mature people who are very excited to have an opportunity to house sit, take care of pets, plants and meet new people. We will love to immerse ourselves in new cultures. We have previously traveled in France, Spain, Italy, England, Caribbean islands, Mexico and all over the USA.
My daughter, got married last September in Arles, France. It was amazing! That made Ed and I want to travel more and see the world. Our entire family have a love of animals and Kristen had a signature drink at her wedding called “Sir Charles” after her Springer Spaniel, “Charlie”. He’s my Grand Dog and he gets treats monthly from Florida where I live to Chattanooga, TN where he enjoys his life. House sitting is a great way to combine our passion for pets with our love to travel.
You would find us with an excellent ability to follow directions, maintain confidentiality, always trustworthy, properly secure your home and perform duties as assigned. We would want you to have complete confidence in us so that your time away would be free of stress and worry about your home, pets and property.
Thank you so much in advance for your consideration.
Kind Regards,
Ed and Rebecca

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Charles, 80 Jahre alt, Insurance Broker, Ehepartner / Partner

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