Kyrylo and Olena

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Kyiv, Kyiv city, Ukraine

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Kyrylo and Olena

51 Jahre alt | Architect | Als Paar/Duo

We are a well-traveled couple from Ukraine, looking for new adventures after Workaway posts (five stars) in Europe. We helped build a vegetable garden, install solar-powered lighting, complete the ground cable, install bookshelves, and build a garage. These skills come in handy with housesitting, but mostly we're looking forward to lounging with and loving your pets.

Kyrylo is an architect and interior designer with many years of experience in the hotels and home-building industry.

His interests include travel, language study, cooking, juggling, and yoga. He is constantly interested in learning something new, whether about nature, new technology, or ways of life in the past.

Olena is a design engineer by education, but then took up architecture and enjoys it very much. Her hobbies include traveling, learning languages, sewing, and, of course, reading books. She is very tidy and has a talent for constantly creating and maintaining order.

Our full-time travel over the past year has taught us much about the cultures of different families in different countries. During such Workaway visits, we always found ourselves in households with animals with whom we had a wonderful relationship.

Kyrylo previously had experience living with cats and dogs and knows how to give injections and pills if necessary.

Here are two reviews from our Workaway experiences:

“We were all really sad to see them go. They are a very sweet, adapting, hard-working couple. I really hope they will come back and I wish them the best of luck.”

“I had the chance to receive Kyrylo and Olena. They helped me a lot to reflect on the progress of the work, during the work, and then to draw the project on their computer. But also their help has been invaluable in aspects of daily life. it was for me a very pleasant and enriching meeting. I highly recommend them.”

Here is our Workaway profile:

Kyryl’s LinkedIn profile:

Russian and Ukrainian are our native languages. Kyrylo has used English at work for over 17 years. He also studied some French and Italian. Olena lived in England for six months and knew English well.

We’re both non-smokers, tidy, and very precise. We will take very good care of your home and beloved pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Olena, 43 Jahre alt, architect, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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