Daniela V.

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Marbella, Andalusia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Daniela V.

33 Jahre alt | Lawyer | Als Familie

We are Daniela anda my daughter Paula. We are a Mexican family, adventurous, trustworthy and responsible. I am a lawyer in my country but two years ago I decided to leave my job in Mexico and we embarked on the adventure and our dream of traveling for a while. We have visited and met beautiful places and people along the way. We currently live in Marbella, and we would like to visit another place for a while... We recently got to know this way of traveling and we found it extraordinary, since we love having pets and my daughter misses her pets from Mexico, we had 1 puppy and 1 cat , and in Europe we have always asked for a pet but Unfortunately, due to our current way of life, in constant movement, it is more difficult for us to have a pet. That is why when we heard about this platform, it was incredible for us to be able to visit more places and give Paula the opportunity to play and take care of other pets, help take care of others pets and houses with all our love

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Paula Valeria, 9 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
| Spanisch

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