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Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Über Pipihuesos

43 Jahre alt | Writer | Allein

I'm a film maker solo traveler in my forties. My passions are animals, nature and getting to know different cultures. I write and develop my film projects as I travel and get inspired with new surroundings.
I love to discover the world from a local point of view, this is especially why I love to housesit, given also that I have my love and care for animals and plants to offer in exchange. I grew up with animals, and up to very recently I have been accompanied by them at home. I believe they are the best company in the world.
I have been house and animal companions-sitting for 7 years now. I have thorough experience with cats, dogs and birds, but the love and care I have for animals make me a fast learner.
I am a responsible and caring person and everywhere I go I take care of the environment as if it was my own.

I hope we can meet and have a trustworthy and interesting exchange!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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