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Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Con

28 Jahre alt | Creative events assistant manager | Als Paar/Duo

Hello 👋🏻

I’m Connor, I’m currently in my mid twenties figuring life out and trying to make the most of what life has to offer, i currently work in an creative arts and event space, which is a beautiful restored old church building filled with laughter, creativity and creative open minded stunning people.

I am a big foodie and love food, it’s the way to my heart ! I love the passion that goes in to making, preparing & presenting food and the back story’s to the recipe’s that bring people together.

I love to travel and love meeting all the different people you meet along the way, the experience travel brings and feeling it brings.

I’m brand new to house sitting - but have a clear understanding, and have done a lot of research to know that this is something that I would love to do, I also have respect for people and their houses they have built in to homes.

Unfortunately I am not allowed pets in my own building but absolutely love pets, which is even more of a reason to house -sit ! it would be a pleasure getting to know and love other peoples pets.

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