Kerstin S.

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Ingolstadt, Bayern, Germany

Über Kerstin S.

37 Jahre alt | Marketing Manager | Allein

Hello there! My name is Sarah, and I am a 35-year-old woman who works remotely. I stumbled upon this Housesitting community and knew I had to join. I have always loved traveling and immersing myself in new places, and what better way to do that than Housesitting?

I pride myself on being responsible, trustworthy, and reliable - qualities that I think are essential in a Housesitter. I have previous experience House sitting for family and friends, and I have been able to build a great reputation with them. I am also an animal lover and would be happy to take care of your pets while you are away. I grew up with a dog and cat, so I know how much joy they bring to a home.

One of the perks of working remotely is that I have a flexible schedule and can spend quality time with your pets. I can also take care of your plants, garden, and home. I am tidy and organized and will leave your home in the same condition as when you left.

Overall, I think Housesitting is a fantastic way to explore new parts of the world while helping others. I look forward to the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and make new furry friends along the way!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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