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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Über Tonya

66 Jahre alt | Public School Teacher | Allein

I am a school teacher but will be retiring this year! I am coming to France in September with my family for a 3 week vacation, but they will return to the US mid-October, and I will go out on my own for 2 months (late October- mid December) - I will have a car, so I can live anywhere. I lived in Pau as an undergraduate, and attended the university there briefly, and spent about 4 years touring Europe, mostly in Germany, in an Americana band. I am so happy to be planning this trip to revisit places I have not seen for over 20 years!
As for animals, I adore and respect them. I have a sweet, 12 year old Poodle who I will be missing, so I will be happy to care for, and hopefully snuggle with, your pets. I am a very quiet, calm, and responsible person, who will give loving care to your animals and take excellent care of your home. I am looking forward to some quiet time, to unwind from years of teaching.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Deutsch

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