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Victoria, Australia

Über Becca

34 Jahre alt | Guest Accommodation Business Owner | Als Paar/Duo

Mature couple looking for pet/house sitting opportunities in Europe Jul-Aug '23

We're Becca (32) and Dylan (30) and we'd love to come to house/ pet sit for you!

We are animal lovers and life-long pet owners. We currently have 1 dog (young, big & high-energy!), 1 cat & 2 guinea pigs. We're also experienced in caring for horses, chickens, rabbits, hamsters & fish.

We also own and operate our own airbnb property, as well as a 77-bed hostel (clean & well-reviewed! NOT a party hostel!) on the Great Ocean Road, Australia.

Safe to say, we're completely trustworthy and would shower your pet/s with love and attention, and care for and respect your home. We've both previously pet-sitted (for friends and strangers alike) and Becca has previously been an au pair in a home with lots of pets!

We believe that house and pet sitting is a great way to explore new places whilst having a place to settle for a few nights or more.

We have a lovely pet sitter taking care of our fur-babies whilst we're away and we'd love to find house/pet sitting opportunities to stop off during our own travels!

We'll be in Greece (Athens), Spain, Italy, UK, & Belgium (Bruges/Brussels) between late July & late August
We're keen for places with a minimum of 1 night stay and a maximum of 7-14 nights.

Please reach out if you'd like any more information or would like to chat! Also very happy to Zoom etc.

Thank you for reading and we hope to chat soon!

-Becca & Dylan

Pet & House sitting experience in the UK & Australia. We have also hosted Pet Sitters in our home whilst we've been away. Becca also has Au-Pairing experience in a home with lots of pets.

We run guest accommodation businesses and Becca has always worked in the guest accommodation sector, having also been the Head Housekeeper and Duty Manager of a 5 Star Hotel.

We are very responsible and understand how it feels to be leaving your beloved pets in someone else's care whilst you're away. We love our pets more than anything and will show your pets the same about of love and care whilst we're with them! We will look after your home and leave it clean and exactly how it was when we arrived.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dylan, 32 Jahre alt, Guest Accommodation Business Owner, Ehepartner / Partner

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