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Über Anna

Als Paar/Duo

We would love to take care of your special place as well as the furry darlings close to your heart!

A bit about us:

Pieter is an electrician, mechanical and plumbing contractor. Anna is an interior designer and renovations project manager, now working remotely in client relations for an Ayurveda & yoga company.

We are South African by birth and currently in Costa Rica.

Pieter enjoys: artisanal craft and creating with wood and metal; making an innovative plan to fix or build things; gardening; sewing; documentaries and history; meeting interesting people with unique stories.

Anna enjoys: Ayurveda and yoga; home decor/design and art; a good book; indoor plants; swimming in the ocean; cooking with fresh local ingredients.

We enjoy: long walks in nature; philosophical conversation; exploring places, cultures and crafts; bonding with animals; sustainable building and food growing.

We love to experience countries and cultures in a more intimate and real way while traveling and working remotely. We value authentic experiences; connection with animals and nature; and a homely feel rather than commercialised tourist vibes.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Pieter, 38 Jahre alt, Electrician, Ehepartner / Partner

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