Elske d.

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Fergus, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Elske d.

47 Jahre alt | Artist | Als Paar/Duo

Hi there! We’re Elske deGroot and Maurice Lambrecht, married for over 20 years. Between us, we have a lot of experience with animals and homes. Elske grew up on a farm in Canada, so she's great with both big and small animals, while Maurice has always had pets around. We’ve also owned and looked after multiple homes, both old and new, so we know how to keep a place in tip-top shape.
Elske is an artist, creating beautiful pieces inspired by our travels, and Maurice works remotely in management at a renewable energy company. We’re currently exploring different parts of France to get a feel for where we might want to settle down in about a year. We love nature, quiet evenings with a good book, and really getting to know new places. Since we’re moving around a lot, we don’t have pets of our own right now, but we miss having animals in our lives.
We’re super excited about house-sitting because it lets us combine our love for animals with our desire to live like locals in different parts of France. We know every pet has its own needs, whether it's a specific exercise routine, favorite foods, medical needs, or play preferences, and we’re always conscious of that. We want to make sure your pets are happy and well-cared for while you’re away, and we promise to take great care of your home too. This way, we get to experience life in new places and you get peace of mind knowing everything’s in good hands.
We also have our own car so transportation to your place is no problem. We are also happy to run any errands necessary during our stay.
You can check out our AirBnB references here: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/4422316

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Maurice, 50 Jahre alt, COO, Ehepartner / Partner

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