Jordan S.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Jordan S.

21 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

Hi there!

I'm Jordan and I live in Amsterdam and study in Utrecht. (The Netherlands). I work at a library and love to exercise, I work-out 5-6 times a week so I'm quite busy so on vacations I like to relax a bit. Unfortunately as a student I don't have a big budget to go on vacations, so the perfect solution is to be a housesitter/petsitter. I love pets, I've grown up around cats and dogs, I only have cats now (you can see one of them on my profile picture :).
I can care for your plants as well, and obviously your lovely pets. I can promise you I'll take care of them, spend time with them, feed them (and cuddle if they want of course).
I know some of you might be hesitant to let me as a young person watch your house and pets I can assure you I've been living on my own for a while now, I know my way around pets and I'm very responsible and mature even though I'm young.

A short about me, but hope it's convincing enough :)
I speak Dutch and English.

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