James F.

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Sun City West, Arizona, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über James F.

71 Jahre alt | Retired from career, Volunteer ESL teacher | Allein

I am retired airline employee who went back to school to obtain a Master's in TESOL and a CELTA administered by Cambridge to teach English around the world. I have taught in Colombia, Israel, and this year 2023 in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am a widower with 2 grown kids both engaged to be married soon. While married and raising my family we always had 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a little cockatiel. The cockatiel made more racket than the other 4 combined but had the most personality as well. I am applying to housesit because I can, and do, travel the world. I have had my time with my pets but meeting yours would be a pleasure...then I can go home. I do not do anything illegal, no smoke, no drugs, and very little social drinking. I am responsible, mature, and pay attention to detail, or instructions as needed. I can get to other countries in a heartbeat where others may not be able. I have not sat yet so I have, or will try to include, some of my school teaching references until I get my own via house sitting. This is all true and honest and if you choose me then I know you wouldn't regret it. Thanks for reading. James

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