Sandra L.

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Sandra L.

71 Jahre alt | Hospital Social Work | Allein

Hello! I've been a social worker in a children's hospital for many years and retired in August. I'm in my 60's and enjoy biking, hiking and other similar things. My children are grown and I don't have grandchildren yet so I'm free to do some traveling. I plan to stay in Costa Rica for two years. I speak Spanish (but need more practice). I own a home and I'm very familiar with taking care of one. I like gardening as well as other house related tasks. I also have had many "pet children" that lived with me until they passed away of old age. I occasionally work a side job online so I'm up early and consequently I can't stay up very late. I'm gregarious and enjoy meeting and talking with people. If I'm in a community very long I like to join the local bike or hiking club. I like to be out and about during the day but overall I enjoy a rather calm lifestyle.

From time to time my dear friend, Angelika can join me. She is originally from Germany and immigrated to the US 40 years ago- duel citizenship. She is retired too but she has grandchildren so you know how that goes! So she likes to travel when she can. She also has extensive experience with horses and animals and enjoys caring for them.

Neither Angelika nor I smoke.

I am new to Nomador but believe that I have more than enough experience from having my own home for the past 30 years. Actually someone will be house sitting my house while I'm away! If I can be helpful, let me know.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Angelika, 1070 Jahre alt, social worker, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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