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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Lily

25 Jahre alt | Socail Media Specialist and Pilates Instructor | Allein

Hi there!

I'm Lily (travel enthusiast, Aussie turned London goer, self-appointed foodie and dog lover) – it's nice to meet you!

I recently moved over from Melbourne to the UK. I currently live and work in London as a freelance Social Media Specialist and Pilates Instructor.

I've travelled to over 17 countries and counting! Turkey, Spain, Austria and the South of France are a few of my favourites!

In 2020, I worked as a live-in nanny for two families – one in London, and one in Sydney – therefore, I can confidently care for children, pets and understand the importance of respecting others' property/homes.

I'm very clean, neat and organised – I will treat your home with the utmost respect.

I'm also an open communicator – I promise to send you updates (pet selfies!) and will be in immediate contact in the unlikely event there is an emergency.

I'm not a party goer, nor do I smoke.

I would absolutely love the opportunity to house-sit! If you have any hesitations or questions, please reach out!

Thank you,

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