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Orlando, Florida, United States

Über Sandie

51 Jahre alt | Licensed Massage Therapist/Customer service/studying Google certification,chat gpt,ai art | Allein

I adore furry babies. I have furry baby sat many times throughout the years both in my previous homes and in their parents homes. I was a licensed medical massage therapist for almost 20 yrs. I am slightly disabled now. I can walk and stand for about 5-10 minutes at a time then once I sit for 2min I can go again.. I can still walk dogs but I wanted to be honest about my mobility issues. I love caring for furry babies. I am great with dogs, cats, fish. I'm happy to brush them out, massage them, play with them, walk them, etc. I am very good about taking initiative if something needs to be cleaned or done. I have a nursing school background so I am honorable about following rules and procedures. I am humble, empathetic, loving, trustworthy, respectful and laugh often. Happy to help your environment by watering your plants. I do not drive other people's cars as I grew up in an exmilitary/gov family home so I provide great respect, however; if you wish I can turn on your car engine twice a week to give a love tap(battery). I would like to arive early at least 1-2 days so we can go over all of your furries and environmental needs/requests. I wish for you to show me exactly how you want it done and I will take notes. Upon my arrival all I ask is a private bedroom, with access to a bathroom, air-conditioning very cool at night in my bedroom and some recovery time from my drive.
I am a bit of a shut in these days since I'm not as mobile. I work a bit from home doing customer service gig work. I am seeking a safe, quiet place where I can study (computer), work and provide love to your furry babies as well as your home. I will not have anyone over. I respect your privacy and treat your home as I would want mine treated.
I will obey your rules at all times. I would be home most of the time so your babies will have great attention and plenty of massaging. I will treat your home with respect and kindness.

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