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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Über Daniel

40 Jahre alt | Teacher | Allein


I am a Kindergarten school teacher who is taking a sabbatical year after 10 years of teaching. I take very good care of my home and respect and care for the homes I visit and rent. I am considerate and communicate well. I am traveling from September 2023 to June 2024. I would like to find locations that offer a place to slow down, rest, read, practice languages, and experience the local cultures.

I am quiet and enjoy simple day to day routines. No partying, drinking or drug use.

I owned and cared for several cats and dogs throughout my life. I take pet ownership and care very seriously. I am very good with all animals. I currently co-own and share a sheep-a-doodle dog named Nelson. He is six years old, very friendly, and loving. My ex-partner, who I share the dog with, always calls me the "best dog-dad" and appreciates how much care I give to our dog.

I would appreciate and love the opportunity to care for your pet(s) and home. I would be happy to send more information and set up a video call so I can verify myself and introduce you who I am. The best feeling about being away from your pet(s) and home is knowing they are in excellent care so that you can best enjoy your own travels!

Thank you for considering me.



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