Marine G.

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Montréal, Québec, Canada

Über Marine G.

32 Jahre alt | photographer | Allein

Experienced and Globetrotting Pet Sitter at Your Service!

****BONUS**** : I am a professional photographer so I can offer you professional shots/pictures of your pet

Portfolio :

Hello there, fellow pet enthusiasts! My name is Marine, and I'm thrilled to offer my fantastic pet sitting services to your furry family members.
With 5 years of pet-setting experience around the globe, you can trust that your beloved companions are in capable and caring hands.

Tailored Care: Just like each pet has a unique personality, I believe in providing tailored care that suits their individual preferences. Whether it's a leisurely stroll through the park, an energetic game of fetch, or simply a cozy cuddle session, I'm dedicated to making sure your furry friend feels right.

Trustworthy and Reliable: I understand that entrusting someone with your pets is a big decision. You can count on me to be punctual, responsible, and dedicated to keeping your pets safe, happy, and well-fed. Regular photo updates and communication will help ease your mind while you're away.

Home Sweet Home: During my stay, I strive to maintain your home's comfort and cleanliness. Rest assured that your space will be as tidy as you left it, and your pets will enjoy a stress-free environment until your return.

Passion and Dedication: Being a pet sitter isn't just a job for me; it's a genuine passion. The joy I derive from spending time with animals is immeasurable, and I'm committed to ensuring that your pets receive the same level of love and care they'd get from you.

Let's arrange a meeting on Zoom before the stay so we get to know each other !

Your Pets' Best Friend Across the Globe


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Englisch | Spanisch

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