Kenny B

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Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Kenny B

57 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

Hi everyone!
My name is Kenny (or Ken) and I am a cheerful, non-smoking, independent, responsible, single, young retired professional that is the perfect candidate to mind your house, pets and gardens in your absence.

I am an avid lover of animals and have been all my life. I grew up on a large mixed dairy and sheep farm, with many other different types of animals...too many to count or remember. :)

I am very experienced with all types of animals, due to being a farm boy and have had animal friends my whole life...this comes with skills that not many people have. This includes, but not limited to; administering medications, both orally and by injection, as well as what to look for when an animal is displaying stress or not feeling well.

I am highly mobile and ready to assist you with your house sitting and/or pet sitting so you can have a break, travel, visit family/friends and have that peace of mind about your home or beloved pets that comes with knowing they are being cared for by someone with my experience and knowledge.

I love traveling, gardening, animals (of course), building/renovating, sightseeing, learning about new cultures and the wonderful world we live in.

I'm a foodie and love trying new dishes. I am adventurous, active, reliable, self-sufficient, honest, trustworthy and an open communicator...highly sociable and extraverted.

I am a professional, and had a career in many different roles in life with 4 post-secondary educations in engineering (2), organizational effectiveness and health & safety. Plus, I have been involved in mega construction, renovation and maintenance projects for +30 years.

I love the outdoors and always up for an experience and memory making...and of course that special photo op! ;)

I'm excited to meet you, look after your house/property and/or look after and befriend your pets.

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