Charity A.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Charity A.

50 Jahre alt | Realtor | Allein

I’m a 49 year old solo traveler exploring the world! Before packing my belongings into storage and venturing out on this new adventure, I was a Realtor for 18+ years in Portland, Oregon, landscape designer, yoga teacher, and am a mom of two amazing sons. I have owned my own home for many years, was an Airbnb host, and have had dogs, cats, rabbits... With a deep love for animals and a strong sense of responsibility, I will ensure that homes and furry companions are well looked after in your absence. I approach each house sitting assignment with the utmost professionalism and respect, treating each home as if it were my own. Whether it's administering medications, maintaining a clean and tidy living space, or giving pets the attention and affection they deserve, I am committed to going above and beyond to create a safe and comfortable environment.

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