Link L.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Link L.

29 Jahre alt | Jurist | Allein

Hello everyone :D

My name is Leonie, I am 28 year old from Berlin, Germany. This year I have finally finished a two year law traineeship after graduating from Humboldt University Berlin.

Before I start a full time job, I want to travel around Europe and just relax and enjoy the nature and free time.

I love animals a lot, especially cats and always wanted to have one, but my family members had allergies... Whenever I had the chance I took care of our neighbour's dog and another neighbour's turtles. Anytime I see a cat I immediately become a little crazy and fall in love with them. They just make me happy.

Combining my plans to travel around AND my love for animals makes Nomador a perfect choice for me.

I am new to Nomador, so I don't have any references so far, but I can promise that I am a very responsible and reliable person. I would be happy if someone trusts me with their animals and house, you won't regret it!

My family has always done home swaps whenever we travelled, so I have lots of experience with taking care of other people's places.
I am also very used to quickly adjust to new cultures and places, since I have lived and worked abroad on various occasions (1 year in Israel after high school, 4 months in Scotland to study at the University of Aberdeen, 3 months in Capetown for an internship at the German foreign ministry and 3 months in Zagreb as part of my law traineeship, also at the German foreign ministry).

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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