Erika O

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Chicago, Illinois, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Erika O

26 Jahre alt | Utilization Review Specialist | Allein

Hey there! My name is Erika, and I'm a mid-20's gal working remotely with a huge love for cats. I am currently working full-time as a Utilization Review Specialist at a behavioral health company, and I am a Licensed Social Worker in the state of Illinois. I'm looking to jazz up my day-to-day life and take advantage of WFH through housesitting!

A bit of background about me and my cat-caring experience -- As a child, I grew up with a sassy cat named Precious, and in my adult life, I have adopted two cats named Matcha and Miso. I volunteer weekly at a cat shelter nearby, and I also cat-sit part-time on an app called MeowTel (with a 5 star rating). I think it's safe to say that I am a cat-lady! I primarily stick to working with cats, not just because of my love for them, but also because I feel the most confident and experienced with them. My cat Miso has had quite a bit of health issues in the past (heart murmur, upper respiratory infections, ear infections, skin infections), so I do have medication experience. Specifically, I have given oral liquid medication via syringe, in addition to topical ointments in the skin and ears. I have also cared for senior kitties and cats with diarrhea at the shelter, so I am not afraid of cleaning up a mess. I work from home from approximately 9am-4pm, so if you have any cats who love attention, they will be in good company.

A bit more background about me and my house-sitting experience -- I have house-sat for friends over the years in both apartments and homes. My motto for house-sitting is, "leave it better than I found it," and it is definitely influenced by my Japanese biracial background. I travelled between Illinois and Japan every summer of my childhood. During my time in Japan, I attended school there, and there were no janitorial staff. So, we all took turns learning and cleaning the toilets, classrooms, hallways, and outdoor garden spaces. This has really stuck with me -- I firmly believe in respecting physical spaces with cleanliness and tidiness.

As far as my lifestyle and hobbies -- I do not drink alcohol, smoke, or do drugs. Outside of work, I primarily spend time with friends and my partner, and we will take the cats in the stroller or go thrift shopping. My idea of a nice Friday night is ordering takeout and watching reality television.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I am looking forward to connecting further!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Japanisch

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