Yana G.

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Rio de Mouro, Lisbon, Portugal

Über Yana G.

31 Jahre alt | Interior Designer | Als Paar/Duo

Hello there! :) I'm Yana and I'm setting off on a global adventure as a digital nomad – my trusty sidekick for this journey is none other than my lovely mom. Our style of travel is all about embracing life's imperfections and finding beauty in the quirks.

I have a soft spot for volunteering and I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to give back to the communities we visit. Unfortunately, sometimes we stumble upon places that only have room for one volunteer at a time. That's when we turn to Nomador in hopes of finding kind-hearted "hosts" who don't mind taking us in while we lend a hand where it's needed most.

Our travel philosophy is straightforward: experiences over extravagance. We may not be staying in luxury hotels, but we're all about soaking up local vibes and forming deep connections during our lengthier stays. We want to dive headfirst into different cultures and truly understand the people and their way of life.

Animals have a special place in our hearts. We're the kind of people who will gladly take care of your beloved pets like they're part of our family. We've learned a lot from our animal pals – patience, responsibility, and how to appreciate the little things in life. You can expect responsible house sitters who'll take good care of your space and, of course, help out around the house too.

Choosing us means you're supporting everyday travelers on a mission to explore, make mistakes, and find beauty in the unexpected. Life's not perfect, and neither are we, but we're excited to share our adventures and lend a hand along the way.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marília Gomes, 70 Jahre alt, Retired Pedriatician, Elternteil

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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