Chris & Hib

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Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Über Chris & Hib

31 Jahre alt | Small Business owner | Als Paar/Duo

we are Hib (29) and Chris (30), a couple who likes to travel. Chris had been a dog sitter in Australia before and took some dogs from the animal shelter for a walk every weekend, also fed them. His family has four dogs with very indivdual characters. He had fishes and two rabbits as he was growing up. Hib rescued two kittens that were only 5 to 6 weeks old. They needed special attention and treatment and have become part of our family. We are working from „home“. Since we began with our Europe tour, our home can be the roof tent on our car or an accommodation like an Airbnb. The cats are staying with our family. Both of us love dogs , cats and other animals, the nature and a peaceful lifestyle. After the work is done, we like to explore our environment. We try to not judge anyone and stay openminded. Neatness is very important to us. We love to try new food. We are tolerant and appreciate the indivdualty of any human being. For us, we decided to live vegetarian / vegan, but this has no effect on anybody else´s life, animal or human. Of course, we would follow any instructions given. Before we started our tour, we lived for 4 years near Frankfurt and worked in legal advice and sports marketing. Now Hib gives classes and Chris started his own business.
We hope we gave you a little insight about us and are looking forward to meet your little or big family members. If requested we can video chat first or talk on the phone. For questions you can contact us anytime. 😊
Kind regards, Hib and Chris

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Arabisch | Deutsch

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