Sonya W.

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Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Sonya W.

62 Jahre alt | Real Estate Sales Retired | Allein

I'm a retired Real Estate Agent with a love of travel and discovering new places, ideally staying in an area long enough to experience life as a local.
I've been housesitting now for 2 years full time along the Eastern Coast of Australia and have enjoyed the love and companionship of the most adorable pets.
I love all animals and especially cats and dogs. I've been the care taker of kittens to geriatric gentleman cats and a broad variety of dogs.
I enjoy having a cat curled up on me and cuddles on the couch of an evening and also the sense of purpose a dog can bring to my house sitting experience and exploring a neighbourhood, I'm so happy to go on take your dog with me on outings.
I have current Australian National Police Check and excellent 5 Star References and I'm looking forward to becoming a special carer for your very special pets.

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