Barbara M.

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Ghent, Flanders, Belgium

Über Barbara M.

41 Jahre alt | PhD student | Allein

Hi everyone,
I’m a PhD student in biotech at University of Gent and from October on, I will be writing my thesis, for that reason I thought it will be nice to do this in a relaxing way, by changing environment from time to time, and by eventually taking care at your cat of dog and of course your house!
I haven’t done this before, so I’m very exciting about this new adventure. My experiences so far are with my own pets, I took good care of my cat for 11 years, which unfortunately passed away this year and my dog back home. So you can be sure I will really give your pet all he/she needs.
Beside work, I like to sport, cook, read and meet friends. Love to take walks in nature, so if you have a dog I will definitely take him/her for a walk or a run.
Already looking forward to meet you and if you have any questions, I’ll be very happy answer them.
Hopefully to see you soon!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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