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Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Über Luci

43 Jahre alt | Digital product leader on sabbatical in the UK | Allein

About Me:
Hello, I'm Luci, a 42-year-old Brazilian currently on sabbatical in the UK. I have a genuine passion for pets and my background in caring for animals is something I take great pride in. By day, I'm a digital product manager, but my heart belongs to the nomadic lifestyle and taking care of furry friends.

Experience You Can Count On:
Back in 2008, during my previous stay in the UK, I served as a foster carer for Battersea Dogs Home for nearly three years. During that time, I provided a loving home to dogs that found kennel life too stressful or had medical needs. If you'd like, I can provide references to attest to my dedication and care during those years.

My Beloved Adopted Companions:
In Brazil, I have four adopted dogs – two graceful Borzois and two adorable mixed breeds. Each one of them holds a special place in my heart, and I believe in giving a loving home to those in need. While I'm away in the UK, my dad is taking excellent care of them back home. Knowing they're in good hands is reassuring, but I still miss our daily walks and the warmth of their company.

Why I Want to Be Your Pet Sitter:
To bridge the gap and share the love with other pets, I've decided to become a pet sitter here on Nomador. I'm relatively new to the platform, but my enthusiasm to start this adventure is boundless. I'm genuinely excited about the prospect of meeting new furry companions and exploring new places while offering them the best care possible.

What You Can Expect:
When you entrust your pets and home to me, you can count on my years of experience, love for animals, and dedication to their well-being. I'll treat your pets as if they were my own, making sure they feel comfortable, happy, and loved while you're away.

Let's Get Started:
If you're looking for a reliable and caring pet and house sitter in the UK, I'm ready to be your go-to choice. Let's connect and discuss your needs and how I can ensure peace of mind during your travels.

Contact Information:
Feel free to reach out, and we can start the conversation about your upcoming pet-sitting needs.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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