Juan E.

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Málaga, Andalusia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Juan E.

21 Jahre alt | Medical Student | Allein

Hi! My name is Juan, I am a medical student in the UK who loves animals and travelling. My baby, child, love of my life is called Nieves(snow in Spanish), she is an 11 year old Labrador which you can see in my picture. I've also had a turtle and a parrot before and taken care of friends' cats when they were travelling or had emergencies.
In addition to university, I work as a part-time healthcare worker whilst being on some university committees, and enjoy jiu jitsu, drawing, reading and crafting. From this I've accumulated cool skills that hopefully can help me be organised and assertive in different circumstances.
Taking care of pets seems like the perfect activity as it reinforces my caring skills which is what I'm getting ready to do in the future; Having already lived alone London, Barcelona and Berlin I have picked up some useful cleaning habits- I do a daily rough clean and weekly deep clean, but please let me know your preferences so I can adapt to them. One more thing, I tend to stay a lot at home since I'm studying everyday so expect me to take a lot of pictures of your furry children. :)
Ps. I dont smoke or drink, and my dad studied veterinary med so in case of anything I can call him lol

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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