Judith D.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Judith D.

39 Jahre alt | subject specialist | Als Familie

We have been a family of four for a few months now and want to get to know France and its people and places better during our parental leave. Our family consists of our two children Levin (3.5 years) and Béla (5 months) and their parents Patrick and Judith, both in their late thirties. We have been living in Berlin for many years and are looking for a little more peace and nature for our time away. We don't have any pets ourselves, partly because of where we live, but we have a lot of experience. I was always in contact with dogs from my childhood until I was in my mid-twenties. I had some of my own, took dogs into care for months or days or took them for walks. I spent a winter in Alaska caring for and training sled dogs. I know how to deal with (difficult) dogs lovingly and patiently but with consistency. For the safety of my children, however, I would like to avoid aggressive dogs when house-sitting! Horses have been a part of my life for just as long as dogs. I love riding and had a regular riding partner in the years before my first child was born. Unfortunately, I don't have the time now, but I really hope that this will change again soon. My animal battery is therefore pretty empty and the idea of recharging it, bringing my children closer to France and animals and at the same time enabling you to travel is fantastic!
I also spent two months working on a mountain pasture with cows and one season on a farm. My partner also gets on well with animals and has often lived with dogs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Patrick Schukalla, 38 Jahre alt, subject specialist, Ehepartner / Partner
Levin Schukalla, 4 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Béla Schukalla, 1 Jahre alt, Baby, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Catherine S; S.

Lourmais, France - Mai 2024

Bon contact avec Judith et son mari qui sont arrivés une journée avant notre départ. Peu de nouvelles pendant leur séjour chez nous. Nous avons retrouvé notre maison impeccable à notre retour. Un grand merci car il n est pas facile de trouver pour de longues périodes d absence.

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