Sabine A.

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Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Sabine A.

59 Jahre alt | Product and project manager | Als Paar/Duo

Hello, I am 58 and lived most my life now in the Netherlands. I came here after some travel, studying and working in various countries. I am actually German grew up in Hamburg. My partner is Dutch and a community worker. That makes him less flexible unfortunately but maybe occasionally he can join. I am working for a big international Japanese pharmaceutical company and my work can be done from other locations; just need a good internet connect. My role is in product and project management for technology and manufacturing. So I am looking to house sit and work and enjoy a new surrounding. I am good with plants, love cats, and an art lover. Then I love swimming incl cold water, yoga, singing, Vipassana meditation, sauna and nature. I am reliable, clean and respectful and organised. Happy to meet you and take good care of your home. I look to house sit in Europe in Winter 2024, oktober-december. I hope to see the Nordic lights and snow but some sun is welcome too. Sabine and Sander

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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