Donika S.

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Wil, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Donika S.

28 Jahre alt | Team Leader Support | Als Familie

Hi, we are Fabian, Donika, Norina and Melina, a young family who loves to travel and explore this beautiful world!
Fabian is working as a mechanical engineer and I am taking care of our twingirls Norina and Melina (born in 2022). We all love pets and have experience with dogs, cats and smaller pets like guinea pics for example. Our daughters love to play with them and are very soft and gentle with all kinds of animals. We live in a beautiful home with a nice garden in Switzerland and know how important it is to find a trustworthy and reliable person to take care of what we call home. At the moment we are travelling through South Africa and someone is staying at our place.
I also did housesitting before I got married and I always had very good experiences.
It is very important to us to treat your home like we would treat our own. We are very clean and conscientious people.
We are looking forward to our next trip and hope to be able to look after your beloved animals and your sweet home!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Fabian, 33 Jahre alt, Mechanical Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner
Norina, 2 Jahre alt, -, Kind
Melina, 2 Jahre alt, -, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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